Active & Retired
of Palm Beach
First 2015 FDNY Palm Beach Retiree Fishing Trip
Jan 22 was a beautiful warm and calm day for our first 2015 trip of the Retired and Active FDNY of Palm Beach County. We had 15 members and their friends aboard the "Island Time" out of Hypoluxo.
As we came out of Boynton Inlet the boat headed north all the way past the Lake Worth fishing pier. One of the regulars on our fishing trips, Jim Coster, kept us all informed of the depth of the water at each stop. He also kept us in rags for cleaning our hands and acted as our hostess with snacks.
There was a good selection of fish species caught and they ranged in all sizes. The largest fish were King Mackerel.(See photo right). There were other smaller fish laid out later.
This photo of the top fisherman on this trip was taken by John Bruckner.
We were not the best looking group (aside from John Collins's daughter)
but once again we did have a great day.